Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Healthy Cooking Methods

In our recent times, it seems to be difficult to keep us eating healthy meals due to many reasons. More and more people today are very busy with their jobs and careers and they do not have much time to prepare healthy meals at home. Fast food is the best choice for such people. However, fast food is definitely not a good choice since it contains high saturated fat, sugar, sodium, fat, salt as well as calories. So, what should we do to prepare healthy meals and stay out of the junk in the store? You can start by learning to cook simple recipes with the healthy way of cooking to provide your whole family with fresh and healthy meals.

For your family's best healthy meals, here are several ways on how to cook such as boiling, baking, barbequing or stewing to avoid adding a lot of fat into your meals. Here is a brief explanation on healthy methods to cook your healthy meals:

- Boiling or grilling: put your food on a rack. Cook under or over direct heat. This will drain the fat.
- Baking: simply bake the food in a covered container. Adding some liquid instead of fat before cooking would be batter.
- Microwave cooking: this cooking method is a simple and fast way of cooking. Since it easily produces moisture, you do not have to add more oils or fat on the particular food. Draining the fat from the food could be done by putting your food between two paper towels.
- Roasting: this cooking method will take you some time since it is a slow and dry heating cooking method.
- Steaming: the best way to keep the natural color, flavor and nutrients of your food to cook.
- Cook in an open frying pan or skillet by adding a small amount of fat over high temperatures.
- Stewing or braising: a slow method of cooking especially to make tough cuts of meat become tender. Simply tan meat on each side with a small amount of regular vegetable oil or vegetable oil cooking spray then stir fry.

According to experts, the key is to consume a healthy diet with balanced nutrition. Also, do not forget, we may take a variety of foods not only contain many calories but rich in nutrients.

Have a nice day!