Paleo diet is the oldest and most basic diet and provides us with good health.
The paleo diet focuses on consuming foods we as humans evolved to eat, while simultaneously eliminating the over processed sugar laden foods now linked to causing the many diseases we are faced with in society today.
What Foods Make up The Paleo Diet?
Nuts and Seeds
These foods are available through mother nature with no agricultural or processing needed to be eatable.
But things have changed. Bread became whiter and whiter, lacteous went from raw to pasteurised and sugar began to make its way into almost every modernised food product.
We are living in a society where the rate of illness and disease is on a continuous rise, and nutrition has the ability to take charge of our health, wellness and longevity.
There is a common link towards nutrition and health, and nutrition for treating illness.
Studies have shown that 70% of all deaths in America are diet related, I wouldn’t be surprised however if that statistic was more like 90%.
Good nutrition, obtainable through the consumption of nutritionally rich foods making up the paleo diet has and continues to treat and cure many conditions which go un-treated (and sometimes looked at as un-treatable) every day.
In the last few years
Nikki Young has been helping people get their lives back on track - helping them achieve higher levels of energy, teaching them how to eat more nutritiously on their own and educating them on the importance of following a healthy diet.
For more details read about Gluten Free, Dairy Free And Preservative Free Recipes! Two Cookbooks With 120 Recipes Each!
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