Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dear friend, something about food allergy

Allergies to nuts (or other such foods: peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds) are the most common and usually manifests for life.
If a food was not ever tasted, it can not produce an allergy from the first tasting because the body had no contact with the substance and must get used to it. Therefore, allergy can occur when the second or third tasting. Sensitivity to certain food combinations can be developed when there is a combination of allergic substances. That's why when two or more kinds of food contain high levels of allergic factors, are not tolerated by the body. Also, the body can suddenly become allergic to food that you regularly consume, such as: chicken, wine.
From marine food group, those that affect more, are: crabs, shrimp, oysters and mussels. Some people may be hypersensitive only one type of fish, for example codfish. Allergies may arise from a particular type (allergy to one food) or by a cross types (for example simultaneous consumption of crabs and shrimp).
Fruits are most often "accused" of allergies such as: strawberries, kiwi fruit, cherries, apricots, peaches and most rarely, apples and pears. As for the vegetarians, they may be affected by the spinach, tomatoes, leeks and celery. Eggs and milk can cause allergies because animal protein they contain. The reaction to these proteins is reduced over time. Before reintroduction to nutrition (which is recommended), you should consult a doctor.
Doing some research about allergies, I discovered angry, disappointed and tired people of buying expensive wheat free and gluten free mixes! But, I discovered also, the secret to how you can return to eating food that tastes great and save money at the same time!

Have a nice day!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Protect your body - eat foods that boost immunity in the winter season

People think that winter is a bad season for immunity, the season when contagious diseases abound. However, should not be quite so.Therefore it is important that in the winter season, people eat foods that boost immunity. While other seasons are suitable for body purification , winter is when we strengthened all systems - from hair to nails and skin.

In general, foods that boost immunity are fresh, organic, easy to digest. These include milk and yogurt, fresh, organic fruits, vegetables and grains. In this period should be avoided foods that are hard to digest. For example, processed foods that are still in commerce, as well as frozen or canned. They are not fresh and are difficult to digest. Thus, they reduce immunity. Foods which were added chemicals or preservatives, slow down the digestive system, leading to a compromised and lazy immune system.

Foods that nourish the body in the winter season, cold and dry, are those with sweet, sour and salty. It is good to avoid acid products or bitter in the winter season, although in theory all tastes should be included in your diet . Hot meals, prepared in the house are ideal. Avoid cold foods, as they slow down the digestive system and reduce immunity.

Also, the lifestyle has a great impact on the immune system. If you sleep late at night, working very in the evening, eating at irregular hours, exposing the body to stress and fatigue or sleep mainly during the day, all of these will affect the digestion and body rhythm, and thus compromise the immune system.

Therefore it is important to eat healthy foods for this season and have a balanced lifestyle. In winter, when the day is shorter and the night longer, it's normal that your body will ask for more rest. Try to go to bed early tonight and you will wake up energized in the morning. Winter is a season in which all nature sleeps, so you can take advantage of this natural tendency to feed body and mind in addition.

If you follow all these tips, so diet, and lifestyle, you will strengthen your immune system and classic winter diseases will not be a concern.

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Paleo Recipe - White Fish with Macadamia Salsa

2 white fish fillets
¼ cup macadamias, halved
½ cup chopped tomatoes
1 avocado, peeled, seeded and diced
3tbs coriander, chopped
3tbs parsley, chopped
Olive oil

Pre-heat grill to medium heat.
Place fish on grill and cook for 3-4minutes or until cooked.
To make the salsa, place macadamias, tomatoes, avocado, coriander and parsley in a
mixing bowl, combine well. Add olive oil to coat.
Place fish and salsa on a plate to serve.

Gluten Free, Dairy Free And Preservative Free Recipes! Two Cookbooks With 120 Recipes Each!

Recipes for the Paleo Diet - Two Cookbooks - 120 Recipes Each!

The Carbohydrates

Main aliment:
- Sugar

Substances are organized in three elements: oxygen, hydrogen and carbon.
Here are included, except sugar which has been mentioned, the following:
- Dextrose ( "grape sugar");
- Fructose (fruit sugar);
- Maltose (the sprouting of seeds);
- Lactose (from milk sugar);
- Starch (which underlies all flours);
- Honey;
- Cellulose.

The role of carbohydrates:
- Ease using protein;
- Prevent the accumulation of acidic substances;
- Fixed water in the tissues.

Excess carbohydrates cause:
- Chair of fermentation;
- Obesity;
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Tooth decay.

Carbohydrate deficiency occur disorders in using proteins and lipids by cells, making what is called acidosis.Hence it is consumed from fat and protein reserves of the body and the resulting imbalance has the character of the disease.

Eat Foods With A Low Level Of Carbohydrates And You Are Not Hungry For A Long Time

Have a nice day!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Lipids

With lipids may be given in nutrition, high energy value of food in small volume.Total and prolonged absence of fat produces serious disturbances: stop growing, change skin, mucous membranes, hair, the nails.

Excess of fat can cause fatigue of the liver and obesity.

In the body, fat spreads vitamins A, D, E and ensure their absorption in the digestive tract.


- The restoration of tissue;

- The composition of the nervous system;

- To increase and to ensure normal function of the skin;

- The formation of antibodies;

- The proper functioning of endocrine glands (thyroid);

- The water metabolism.

Accumulated and stored in body fat is a "food of the reserve" in case of food restriction used in nutrition body.
Have a nice day!

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Protein

Main source of protein is meat. But in the environment, proteins are not found only in meat, although most of them are found in the animal kingdom.

Lack of protein in the body can give:
- Disturbances of growth and nutrition;
- Reduced resistance to infection;
- Occurrence of anemia;
- Edema;
- Decreased physical activity and mental.

Excess of protein in the body can lead to:
- The occurrence of disease (gout);
- Intoxication with protein.

Proteins are processed in the digestive tract, under the influence of different enzymes, which are called amino acids. In fact they are absorbed in the intestine such as amino acids, which contribute directly to growth and repair. Protein containing all essential amino acids are called complete proteins, such as those found in foods such as:milk, eggs, lean meat, cheese... Proteins do not contain all the essential amino acids are called incomplete proteins, such as:peas, beans, corn...
Caloric value of proteins is the following: 1 gram of protein, by burning in the body, produce 4 calories.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sample Paleo Diet Plan


Omelet with spinach and mushroom

Morning Snack

Fresh berries


Grilled salmon
Large mixed vegetable salad and flax oil dressing

Afternoon Snack

Raw carrots and celery


Grilled chicken
Steamed broccoli
Tomato salad

Evening Snack

Baked walnut cinnamon apples

Have a nice day!

Paleo Recipe - Broccoli and Pine-Nut Soup

1 onion, diced
1tbs oil
3 cups broccoli
3 cups chicken or vegetable stock
¼ cup pine-nuts

Fry onion in a large pan with oil on medium heat until slightly browned.
Add broccoli and stock and simmer for 10-15 minutes or until broccoli has softened.
Cool slightly.
Place in a food processor or use an electric blender to form a smooth texture.

Heat to serve.

The Paleo Cookbooks contain 120 recipes each! All which are glutenfree, dairy-free and preservative-free. Every recipe within the Paleo Cookbooks includes a full color photo so you can see what the meal looks like and how to best present it.
Recipes for the Paleo Diet

Which Diet is Best For You?

The first thing to consider when looking into diets is your personal needs. Are you dieting just to take off extra pounds, or do you want to have a long term plan that will assure you meet all of your nutritional needs?

Before choosing a diet, you will need to find out if you have any health conditions which would preclude you from pursuing a particular diet. You will also need to evaluate your current habits and compare those to the diets that will help you most with weak areas, while not making unnecessary changes to areas you do not need to work on. Therefore, you must be doing something right. The trick with every single diet is that none of them are wrong. Each contains pieces of information that you can find helpful. Each of these adds information about the possible factors you will need to consider in refining your diet. Researching diets, foods, and nutrient requirements is critical to developing a good diet. Not only will it help you in finding the best diet for you, it will also help you in finding one that you can stay with. Many try diets for a short amount of time, but don't carry through with them. If you are seriously considering a diet for either weight loss or lifestyle change, make sure that you are excited and feel motivated to carry through with it. If the task of researching all these factors seems daunting, there are other options. As an example, you can seek the help of a professional nutritionist.

Finding the right diet is about finding out what your personal needs are. By doing this successfully, you will be able to control your weight, increase your energy levels, and pursue a healthy lifestyle.

Have a nice day!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Healthy Cooking Methods

In our recent times, it seems to be difficult to keep us eating healthy meals due to many reasons. More and more people today are very busy with their jobs and careers and they do not have much time to prepare healthy meals at home. Fast food is the best choice for such people. However, fast food is definitely not a good choice since it contains high saturated fat, sugar, sodium, fat, salt as well as calories. So, what should we do to prepare healthy meals and stay out of the junk in the store? You can start by learning to cook simple recipes with the healthy way of cooking to provide your whole family with fresh and healthy meals.

For your family's best healthy meals, here are several ways on how to cook such as boiling, baking, barbequing or stewing to avoid adding a lot of fat into your meals. Here is a brief explanation on healthy methods to cook your healthy meals:

- Boiling or grilling: put your food on a rack. Cook under or over direct heat. This will drain the fat.
- Baking: simply bake the food in a covered container. Adding some liquid instead of fat before cooking would be batter.
- Microwave cooking: this cooking method is a simple and fast way of cooking. Since it easily produces moisture, you do not have to add more oils or fat on the particular food. Draining the fat from the food could be done by putting your food between two paper towels.
- Roasting: this cooking method will take you some time since it is a slow and dry heating cooking method.
- Steaming: the best way to keep the natural color, flavor and nutrients of your food to cook.
- Cook in an open frying pan or skillet by adding a small amount of fat over high temperatures.
- Stewing or braising: a slow method of cooking especially to make tough cuts of meat become tender. Simply tan meat on each side with a small amount of regular vegetable oil or vegetable oil cooking spray then stir fry.

According to experts, the key is to consume a healthy diet with balanced nutrition. Also, do not forget, we may take a variety of foods not only contain many calories but rich in nutrients.

Have a nice day!